The basic procedure of a facelift involves making incisions around the ear and the temporal area behind the ear in order to pull up and elevate the skin. Following the elevation of the skin, the facial muscle is tightened, lifted up, the skin is pulled, and the excess skin is neatly removed. This entire surgical procedure is deftly executed with completely concealed incisions which contribute to producing a completely natural and aesthetic looking end result.
Permanency of Results
The results of a facelift procedure generally last about 5 to 10 years, depending on the patient and how well they take care of themselves following the surgery. If patients maintain a good diet and exercise regimens, they can comfortably expect the results to last a long time. However, if they continue to smoke and over-expose themselves to the sun, then the results will decline with time, and faster than they would do if they were careful. Patients should know that these results are not permanent; however, 5 to 10 years down the line, they would have looked much older and much more tired, had they not decided to have the facelift procedure performed.
In the same manner, patients should also keep in mind that a facelift will not stop the aging process. From the moment the facelift surgery is completed, the patient will continue aging naturally. Just because a patient has a facelift, it doesn’t mean that he or she is not going to age. However, with a facelift, the effects of aging on the appearance of a patient can be delayed.
In order to reap the best benefits out of facelift procedures, cosmetic surgeons recommend that patients have one every 10 years or so. The ideal age ranges for the procedure are 45 to 50, 55 to 60 and 65 to 70.