Liposuction is an effective body contouring procedure that can remove unwanted fat to reshape various areas of the body. Liposuction can give improve patients’ proportions and help eliminate stubborn pockets of fat. If you are in the Manhattan area, Dr. Edmund Kwan has years of experience re-sculpting bodies beautifully with liposuction. Why do patients choose […]
Sometimes, diet and exercise can be attempted for many years before patients are able to see the results they desire. Other times, it may not achieve the reduction of fat in specific areas of the body. There are some parts of the body where fat can be stubborn and difficult to address. This may be […]
Known by different terms like Lipo-Sculpturing and Lipo-Contouring, the plastic surgery procedure widely known as Liposuction involves the removal of fat cells from a patient’s body. The most popular areas of the body where the liposuction procedure is performed include the waist, stomach, flanks, and the thigh area. Apart from these areas, the liposuction procedure […]
Recovery from liposuction surgery generally takes up to two weeks. However, a majority of patients are given the “go ahead” to engage in exercises after a week or a week and a half, depending on their individual recovery status. The primary postoperative symptom found in most liposuction patients is soreness, which can last up to […]
The most common liposuction technique used by plastic surgeons is the “tumescent” technique. This advanced type of cosmetic surgery includes the surgeon injecting a considerable amount of fluids into the area of the body which has been targeted for liposuction to be performed. These fluids are composed of saline, numbing medicine and a waking constrictor […]
The ideal candidates for a liposuction procedure are patients who have excessive amounts of fat in areas of the body like the flanks, stomach and thighs which don’t respond to special diets and regular exercise. Plastic surgeons seem to feel the most suitable physical structure is of those people who are somewhat over their recommended […]