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Dec 08

Most people have heard of the phrase “nose job” and may even know someone who has had one, but do you really know what a nose job is? The rhinoplasty procedure is a surgery to reshape the nose and restore balance to the face. Because the nose is the most prominent feature on the face, […]

Dec 08

A brow lift from the office of Dr. Edmund Kwan, near Flushing, is a surgical procedure that can correct sagging eyebrows and diminish lines and wrinkles across the forehead, giving patients a more youthful and fresh appearance. In many cases, eyelid surgery (known as blepharoplasty) is performed along with a brow lift What is a […]

Dec 08

As we get older, our face begins to lose volume and definition. Where there was once smooth, supple skin, there are now harsh lines and wrinkles. At the office of Dr. Edmund Kwan, we help New Jersey patients get back their youthful, well defined facial features with the help of facelifts. What is a facelift […]

Sep 12

Dermal fillers are a popular cosmetic option that can fight the signs of aging and rejuvenate your face. Juvéderm has emerged as one of the top choices for patients in Manhattan. When administered by experienced Manhattan dermatologist, Dr. Kwan, it helps patients look and feel their best. How Juvéderm works Your skin has three layers, […]

Sep 12

Liposuction is an effective body contouring procedure that can remove unwanted fat to reshape various areas of the body. Liposuction can give improve patients’ proportions and help eliminate stubborn pockets of fat. If you are in the Manhattan area, Dr. Edmund Kwan has years of experience re-sculpting bodies beautifully with liposuction. Why do patients choose […]

Sep 12

Having an attractive, proportionate nose is important to many people in the NYC area, which is why it’s one of our most common plastic surgery procedures. If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your nose, Dr. Edmund Kwan can help. Why patients choose rhinoplasty? The rhinoplasty procedure (commonly referred to as a nose job), […]

Sep 12

If you are considering breast implants, chances are you have quite a few questions about the procedure. Dr. Edmund Kwan is an experienced surgeon in the NYC area who has decades of experience with breast augmentations. We’ve compiled a list of the following questions that are common among patients before their procedure. What are the […]

Sep 12

Having large breasts can be a concern for many women in NYC. Large breasts can impact your appearance, making you look disproportionate. Even worse, they are heavy, which can cause significant pain and discomfort. If you are experiencing cosmetic or physical discomfort from having breasts, help is available in the form of breast reduction surgery […]

Sep 12

It’s natural for our bodies to change as we age, but for some people, these changes can be drastic. Major life events such as pregnancy and dramatic weight loss can leave extra skin in the abdominal section of your body. The tummy tuck procedure from Dr. Kwan in Manhattan can remove excess tissue and skin […]

Aug 02

There are different types of brow lift surgeries. The Coronal Brow Lift surgery makes an incision in the scalp all the way across. This is normally regarded as the gold standard of Brow lift surgery, where the results tend to be the best. However, there are more limited incision brow lift surgery options available too. […]

Aug 02

A brow lift is performed through an incision in the scalp, under the hair. Therefore, the scar remains hidden within the scalp. From there, the surgery is done all the way down to the brow area, and the entire brow is elevated. Thereafter, the brow is placed back in its proper position. This means that […]

Aug 02

When you make eye contact with another individual, it can make or break a first impression. Awakened, wide-open eyes can give the appearance of being refreshed, renewed, and be a sign of youth. As patients age, they may notice that their brows and eyes begin to droop and sag, giving a more aged appearance to […]