When you make eye contact with another individual, it can make or break a first impression. Awakened, wide-open eyes can give the appearance of being refreshed, renewed, and be a sign of youth. As patients age, they may notice that their brows and eyes begin to droop and sag, giving a more aged appearance to their face. For individuals who are self-conscious about the way they look and deal with face-to-face interactions in their personal lives and careers, they may begin to consider treatment options. One popular consideration in cases such as these is a surgical brow lift. NYC plastic surgeon, Dr. Edmund Kwan, offers brow lifts as well as other facial procedures that can help improve a patient’s overall appearance and youthfulness.
The brow lift accomplishes two things at once: it can open up the eyes by pulling up the eyebrows, and it can help eliminate wrinkles on the forehead area. This can be a wonderful way for patients to reduce the signs of aging on the upper part of their face while opening up the eyes. There are situations in which patients may believe they need eyelid surgery when they could benefit from a brow lift. NYC patients who visit Dr. Kwan will benefit from his expertise and knowledge in educating a patient regarding their best course of action.
Many patients are candidates for brow lifts. NYC plastic surgeons can even complete treatments on patients in their twenties. Some patients may have brows that sit lower and create an expression that is not as appealing on their face. A brow lift can address this, and it can be done on younger patients. Brow lifts and other plastic surgeries are not just for those who are aging and past their forties. However, many patients that undergo this treatment are indeed aging and want to turn back the hands of time with plastic surgery. Candidates for brow lifts must also understand the risks, complications, and benefits that a brow lift can provide. This is essential to having full comprehension of the procedure, as well as what to expect afterward. All of these points and considerations can be brought up during a patient’s initial consultation with Dr. Kwan. CALL (718) 673 2527