Patients dealing with a drooping upper eyelid may be diagnosed with ptosis of the eyelid. Dr. Edmund Kwan, MD of NYC is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who provides a way to address a drooping eyelid to improve the appearance of the face and vision. It can have a dramatic effect on the way patients appear, and can help those who experience an obstruction of their vision due to the loose, sagging skin of the upper eyelid.
A drooping eyelid may result from a variety of conditions. It may be due to weak or loosened upper eyelid muscles, also known as the levator muscles and the Mueller’s muscle. If patients have experienced nerve damage to the area, it can also reduce the muscle’s ability to function properly. It can occur upon birth, it can be the result of an injury, or may be caused by the normal aging process. Patients of Asian ethnicity notice ptosis of the eyelid more often than others. This condition can also be brought on by several medical conditions, including diabetes, strokes, Horner syndrome, brain tumors, and myasthenia gravis.
Patients with ptosis of the eyelid will benefit from plastic surgery. It can help in tightening the upper eyelid and the muscles that control it. The levator and Mueller’s muscle can be fixed to provide patients with less interference of vision and better control. This is the only way for patients with ptosis of the eyelid to improve the condition and keep it from becoming more pronounced.
Dr. Edmund Kwan, MD of NYC can also perform a myriad of other cosmetic and restorative services through his state-of-the-art facility, and works with patients who are ready to take charge of their appearance and invest in themselves. If you are in the NYC area and you have considered plastic or reconstructive surgery, contact Dr. Edmund Kwan, MD today to schedule a consultation visit. He can provide a thorough examination and speak with patients about the ways in which they can improve their appearance and the way they feel, thus boosting self-confidence.