The results which can be achieved through facial reconstruction surgery depend on the type of deformity the patient suffers from.
Facial trauma patients can suffer from a number of different conditions. Some of them may not have bone injuries but several cuts which have left a disfiguring appearance due to several scars. These patients may suffer from lack of skin, disfigured upper eyelids, disfigured brows, or disfigured noses and faces due to scars, deformities and displacements. The scars in each of the above conditions are addressed by plastic surgeons, separately. In order to remove the scars, most surgeons perform either a local reconstruction surgery or a skin graft. A skin graft usually involves the removal of a disfigured scar and replacing it with smoother looking skin to achieve a much better contour and texture for the affected area.
Even though some patients, as mentioned earlier, may not suffer from facial bone injuries, some do. Most of these types of facial bone injuries are caused either due to severe car accidents, getting punched or being subjected to a nasty fall. When a patient faces such a situation, he or she may suffer from bone deformity.
Patients who have fractures or broken bones in the face initially receive treatment in the hospital. Following that initial treatment, a plastic surgeon’s expertise can be sought thereafter. As a first step, a plastic surgeon performs plate reductions of the broken bones in order to fix them. However, in spite of the treatment to fix the broken bones, many patients may suffer from conditions like disfigured cheekbones, crooked noses, deformed chins and/or deformed foreheads.
Secondary Reconstruction
Falling into the reconstructive facial surgery category, secondary reconstruction surgeries involve treatments which include the placement of implants (in the cheek to camouflage a depressed portion or fractures), fat induction and/or bone repositioning. As a result of these procedures, an improved facial appearance is achieved.