All of us want to look and feel our best. Sometimes, we may have a problem with our midsection. Some patients, no matter how much they diet or exercise, may not be able to rid themselves of extra fat tissues on the abdomen, loose or sagging skin, or weak abdominal muscles caused by past pregnancies. All of these issues can be addressed with the tummy tuck procedure. NY plastic surgeon, Dr. Kwan, is able to perform tummy tucks for patients that want to address their midsection. Both men and women may deal with an unappealing abdominal area and may be seeking a way to relieve themselves of this problem area.
The tummy tuck procedure is rather simple. An incision is made right above the pubic area, extending from one hip to the other. The skin is then pulled upward. Fatty tissue is exposed, allowing Dr. Kwan the ability to remove excess fat. The abdominal muscles are then tightened. The excess skin of the tummy is removed, and then the remaining skin is brought back downward to the incision point and stitched closed. In some cases, depending upon the amount of skin and fat removed, the belly button may also be relocated to look aesthetically pleasing.
As with any plastic surgery, it is important that patients speak with their surgeon, Dr. Kwan, regarding the expectations and the risks that may occur because of this treatment method. Patients will also have to have an initial consultation and examination appointment to determine their eligibility for this procedure. Patients may find this a great way to boost their self-confidence and feel better about the way they look by changing troublesome contours around their midsection.
Dr. Kwan is happy to provide tummy tucks, along with other plastic surgeries meant to improve the appearance and contours of his patient’s body and face. If you are interested in learning more about tummy tuck procedures and live in the New York area, feel free to call Edmund Kwan, M.D. today to schedule your consultation appointment!